It seems that Santa Claus has soo many scout elves, scout pets, and scout accessories that he and Mrs. Claus were beginning to have trouble keeping track of all of them.
One little scout elf in particular, Mele, has been busy trying to figure out a way to help. Mele thought hard and then came up with an idea. She created, for Santa and Mrs. Claus, a list of everything Elf related that she could find. While the list is definitely not as long as Santa’s “Naughty or Nice” list, it is still a pretty comprehensive list and everyone was so happy to see such a complete list.
In fact, it was such a good list, that Mrs. Claus asked Mele to please find a way to share it so that it might help others that love their elves. It didn’t take long after that for Mele and a few of her scout elves friends to find their way into the Cloud.
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